Jan 28, 2020

Heartfelt Creations Projects:

I just love making the Heartfelt Creation flower and the other different themes that they make.  Here is some of my cards and other items I have made.

Didgi Choosday Challenge:


  1. Not too sure which project you are entering into our challenge or if you are entering at all as you have not linked back to us at Polkadoodles Digi Choosday! Please read our challenge rules so that you know for next time. Thank you! Jane S (DT)

  2. Hi again Andrea so sorry but we do not accept backdated posts for our challenges. Your post is dated 17 December 2019 and our challenge began on 7 January 2020.
    Polkadoodles Digi Choosday! Jane S (DT)

  3. Your projects are all very pretty. Unfortunately as Jane mentioned, our current challenge began on January 7 at Polkadoodles Digi Choosday. We hope to see you return to enter our challenge in the future with a new project!
